Friday, December 25, 2009

Sharing and Quiz

Happy Christmas to you! I wanted to share this painting that my daughter-in-law, Cassie, did for me as a gift:

Can you tell which dogs and where it is?


  1. I'm going to take a guess that it's Cadi on the left, Halo on the right in the "private Idaho dog park" on the road between Home in Montana and other home in Utah.
    If I'm right, is there a prize?
    And what a lovely Christmas present to receive--kudos to Cassie.
    Maddie found all her prized presents under the tree and in the funny stocking this morning (Santa was smart enough to put up the puppy gates as a precaution)...
    And we wish you all the Best, both now and in the coming New Year,
    Barb, Ken & Maddie

  2. Wow what a beautiful picture-what a great present!! I agree with the private dog park in Idaho-Cadi on the left maybe Asia on the right?
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!
    Barb, Ziggy, Zelda and Zaida plus two Christmas granddogs-Sammy and Antowain

  3. What a great idea on Cassie's part to impress her mother-in-law!

    I say the dogs are Sydney and Zoey.

  4. I am going with a different guess - I think the one on the right is Zoey with the amount of white near her mouth. Maybe Syd on the left? I agree the stop at the passage is the scene - what an AWESOME painting and gift.

