Monday, July 12, 2010

Wind Storm!

We are having quite the wind storm here! Good thing Asia is so stout and solid or she might just blow away. Take a look at her -- nearly 100 pounds (skinny) at 24 inches tall and imagine her doing Regular Agility with the same ease as a berner 30 pounds lighter and the same height -- and yet she has LOVELY breed type, or in other words, is a very excellent example of a (GIRL) Bernese Mountain Dog. Titles on HER would be inferior if they had a "P"?!!! Nope, those "P"'s in the titles would stand for "Preferred Breed Type Agility Dog".

Sydney had a bath today -- doesn't she look cute?

Well, her manners leave something to be desired!

And yes -- look at the wind!!! This is Halo standing still :)

Tomorrow is a REALLY big day -- check back tomorrow to see why :)


  1. Hmmm...a really big day, as in something to celebrate...let me think...might it have something to do with a happy event that happened ten years ago tomorrow...?

  2. Well, yes, that is one of the reasons!! Snort!

  3. If Lisa gets Sydney I get Zoey!!!
