Friday, February 25, 2011

Cute, Cuddly, and Progesterone

There seriously cannot be a more cuddly dog than Zoey -- and she is not too picky about the targets of her cuddle-fests. Just now she waltzed over and plopped down on her mom, Halo -- I grabbed the camera and got these pictures...

Seriously -- how cute is that?!

But Halo quickly tired of her daughter's attention and so Zoey zeroed in on her favorite cuddling victim -- Big Sister Asia, who had just arrived on scene after stealing my slipper.

But even Asia got a little sick of having to share space with her cuddle-bug sister and so she left, leaving Zoey to cuddle with my slipper...

...which I swiped back from her, leaving her to run off in search of someone or something else...

Such is five minutes in the Life of Zoey :)

Progesterone = 0.95 so breeding on Tuesday, due date of H Litter will be May 1 :)


  1. Love these pictures. Just came upon your blog by way of Scout the Bernese Mountain Dog and we also have a Berner. I had planned to have her bred this spring, but now the people that earlier had interest in pups have backed out, and now with this economy, I do not plan to have her bred this spring. But interested in learning. Great blog, thanks, Jo in MN

  2. I am interested in purchasing a Berner puppy. please contact me Stacy in Colorado referred me to your blog.

    Thank you!
