Monday, May 25, 2009

Quick Update

We are in the new house and it is a dream come true -- I LOVE it. Unfortunately, we do not have internet yet but that should happen in the next few days. In the meantime, here are some pictures...

Zoey was pretty amazed by the sprinklers!

Cute Zoey, all wet

Sydney -- isn't she adorable?!

Jake and Cassie came up to celebrate my birthday and help us move -- here they are with Syd and Zoey. Jake and Cassie get married in one month!

Here is the new fence -- it went up in a day and is just perfect!

I hope you are having a nice Memorial Day weekend, and remembering family and friends who have move beyond this earth -- but not beyond your heart.


  1. Hurray! I've been waiting for this confirmation!

    Susan and Djinn

  2. YAY Mary-Ann

    Glad to hear it is going well. The new yard looks great - we just put in a similar type fence at our place. Jake and Cassie are having a short engagement eh?

    Love the pictures - Zoey and Sydney are gorgeous!

    Cindy M
