Saturday, August 8, 2009

Live from the Creamery Picnic! GUEST REPORTER!

This is Elizabeth (Mary-Ann's niece, age 10) reporting live from Stevensville, Montana:

"Today we walked in the Creamery Picnic parade with the dog cart. Maize and Cadi pulled the cart full of Otter Pops and candy to hand out to the crowd. My friend and I handed out the candy and Otter Pops. The cart was decorated in green and yellow with signs for Aspen Hospice. Maize had a green harness and Cadi had a yellow harness, and they both had bows in each ear with green and yellow ribbons. We thought it was going to be a short 15 minute parade without many spectators but it ended up being about an hour with lots of people watching. We ran out of candy and Otter Pops early even though we tried to only hand Otter Pops to kids and not throw too much candy. Everyone liked the dogs' tricks, which were mainly backing, barking, sitting and laying down. It was really fun but I got kind of hot and I think I would like to do it again next year.

Here are some pictures:

This is the Creamery Picnic sign hanging over the parade route.

Mary-Ann and me with Maize and Cadi and the cart.

Maize and Cadi with their cute bows.

Me handing out Otter Pops to kids.

Everyone and the cart except for me.

A sign on a store that we thought was really funny.

Everyone loved the dogs.

Maize and Cadi with the cart.

This is the end of my report on the Creamery Picnic Parade!"


  1. Yes, the bows are SO cute -- Elizabeth had a matching one in her hair :)

