Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Specialty Stunner

First let me share last night's news -- Maize did not place in her large and lovely veterans class but she did make the cut, which is a big honor :)

Today is obedience. Halo was in Utility A, a class that rarely has anyone qualify. My intention all along (and a goal for the first half of 2010) was to simply show her in Utility A, and then I planned to retire her from obedience because to get that UD title (3 "legs" in Utility A) you really have to train a lot and in all kinds of places, and I just wasn't prepared to make that commitment.

And so I went in with no expectations because I knew she would not qualify and then we could just retire -- well, she won the class (by virtue of being the only one to qualify :)!!!!! Yes indeed, in her first time in utility and never having done most of the exercises anyplace besides our home, Halo earned a 191.5 in Utility A and a leg, ensuring that she will continue her obedience career because how could we stop now?!!!

WOW!!!! Cloud Nine feels pretty good :)

More results later....


  1. AWESOME!!!!!!! but NOT surprising :) :)

    Cindy H.

  2. Way to go Momma Halo!!

    I hope such success genetic, but I suspect there's a lot of good communication and dedicated training involved too...


    Barb & Maddie

  3. Woo hoo, Go Halo!! That is great news! Enjoy the rest of your time there, M-A!

    Liz, Sam, Tara & Kiko
