Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Seven Weeks!

It is a busy morning here so I am just adding pictures and saying that all is well. Thanks for the great names suggestions and keep them coming! Can you name the puppies in the pictures?


  1. Well, it's Lolo, I assume, in the first photo. I've been waiting for the close-up you promised, to see what it is you're seeing that makes her 'different' as well as small. Yes, her eyes are noticeably smaller than the other puppies' -- but what is it that you think this might signify?

  2. My guesses...

    • Lolo, she looks so much more grown up than when I was there 2 weeks ago.
    • Darby
    • Darby, is this a trick photo?
    • Kinsey
    • Ledger or Rosebud???
    • Sula

    Terri in Portland

  3. Here's my top-to-bottom photo ID: Lolo, Kinsey, Madison, Sula, Rosebud, Sula. A girly day!

  4. lolo, darby, madison, kinsey, rosebud and sula
